
“Seasons in the Sun”是一首很好聽的歌。然而,在歌曲背後有著一段哀傷的故事。

此曲的原創者是比利時的創作歌手 賈克斯‧布瑞爾(Jacques Brel, 1929~1978)他在四十多歲時,不幸得到了癌症。在所剩不多的日子裏,他將對父親、好友及愛人道別的話,寫成一首法國歌曲"Le Moribond"(意即 臨終的人)。

後來經由他的美籍歌手友人羅德‧麥昆(Rod MaKuen)介紹到北美。

1973年加拿大歌手泰瑞‧傑克斯(Terry Jacks)將其翻唱成”Seasons in the Sun”而後在美、加地區大受歡迎並在英、美榮登排行榜冠軍歌曲。

以下影片為愛爾蘭歌唱團體 西城男孩(Westlife)很有味道的演唱。


/英文歌詞 附錄如下:


Seasons in the Sun (陽光季節)

Goodbye to you, my trusted friend            再見了,我忠實的朋友
We've known each other since we were nine or ten  咱們從九或十歲時就認識了
Together we climbed hills and trees           我們一起爬山,一起爬樹
Learned of love and ABC                    一起學習愛和ABC
Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees      磨練心性也磨破了膝蓋

Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die            再見了,朋友,死別是如此的艱難
When all the birds are singing in the sky       當鳥兒在空中歌唱
Now that the spring is in the air               此時 空氣中洋溢著春天的氣息
Pretty girls are everywhere                   到處都是漂亮的女孩
Think of me and I'll be there.                 想起我時,我將在那裏
We had joy, we had fun                      我們曾擁有快樂,擁有歡笑
We had seasons in the sun                    我們曾擁有陽光的季節
But the hills that we climbed                  但是我們爬過的小山坡
Were just seasons out of time                 都已成了過往雲煙

Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me            再見,老爸,請為我祈禱
I was the black sheep of the family           我曾是家裡的壞小孩
You tried to teach me right from wrong       你曾試著教我分辨對錯
Too much wine and too much song           太多的美酒與歌曲
Wonder how I got along                     懷疑我是怎麼過日子的

Goodbye, Papa, it's hard to die                再見了,老爸,死別是如此的艱難
When all the birds are singing in the sky       當鳥兒在空中歌唱
Now that the spring is in the air               此時 空氣中正洋溢著春天的氣息
Little children everywhere                    孩童們四處奔跑
When you see them I'll be there               當你看見他們,我將在那裏

| We had joy, we had fun                   我們曾擁有快樂,擁有歡笑
     We had seasons in the sun                     我們曾擁有陽光的季節

But the wine and the song                     但美酒與歌曲
           Like the seasons have all gone |             像季節一樣消逝無蹤

                  Goodbye Michelle, my little one               再見了,蜜雪兒,我的小情人
             You gave me love and helped me find the sun   你給了我愛,幫助我找到陽光
                  And every time that I was down                每次我意志消沈
                  You would always come around               你總是來到我身邊
                 And get my feet back on the ground            幫助我重新振作起來


               Goodbye, Michelle, it's hard to die             再見了,蜜雪兒,死別是如此的艱難
                When all the birds are singing in the sky        當鳥兒在空中歌唱
                Now that the spring is in the air                此時 空氣中正洋溢著春天的氣息
                  With the flowers everywhere                  花兒四處開放
                  I wish that we could both be there              願我倆能在一起
                  We had joy, we had fun                       我們曾擁有快樂,擁有歡笑
                  We had seasons in the sun                     我們曾擁有陽光的季節
                  But the hills that we climbed                  但是我們爬過的小山坡
                  Were just seasons out of time                 都已成了過往雲煙

                  |: We had joy, we had fun               我們曾擁有快樂,擁有歡笑
                        We had seasons in the sun                 我們曾擁有陽光的季節
                        But the wine and the song                 但美酒與歌曲
                        Like the seasons have all gone  |          像季節一樣消逝無蹤


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